3rd mission: Over 600 people attended my popular science presentation on AI!

On September 16th and 18th, I had the fantastic honour of talking about AI at Jönköping’s Senioruniveristetet: a non-profit organisation that supports life-long learning through lectures and workshops for people over 60.

With some 600 registered participants, the lecture “Artificiell Intelligens: från science fiction till verklighet” (“AI: from science fiction to reality”) held in Immanuelskyrkans hall, was so popular that the organisation asked me to hold the presentation twice! What a fantastic honour!

The third mission (reaching out to the general) is often one of the hardest components of a successful academic career as much of the work we do is too specific for the public. Finding good venues and channels in which it is possible to spread information, knowledge and research results is, therefore, often very difficult for us academics. Thus, I am truly very grateful to have been invited to speak to such a large group of people with so much knowledge and engagement with the topic of the talk.


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Paper accepted at ROBOT 2024

Truly happy and very proud to announce that the master thesis work by Jorge Aguirregomezcorta Aina which I supervised has been accepted in a shorter version at the Seventh Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT2024), held in Madrid later this year.

The paper is called “Twist and Snap: A Neuro-symbolic System for Affordance Learning of Opening Jars and Bottles” and is written by Jorge Aguirregomezcorta Aina and Maria M. Hedblom

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The 8th Image Schema Day to take place at AI*IA

ISD8: Bozen-Bolzano, November 25-28th

The Image Schema Day workshop series has run for 7 editions and we are happy to announce that the workshop will run for an eighth time. This time as part of the workshop program at the 23rd conference of the Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence.

Submission deadline: 1st of September

More information on: https://isd8.imageschema.net/

Join us!

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Paper accepted at RuleML+RR 2024

I am happy to announce that the paper “Revising Defeasible Theories via Instructions” written by Mihai Pomarlan, Laura Spillner Maria M. Hedblom and Robert Porzel, has made it into the Declarative AI conference RuleML+RR.

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“The Diagrammatic Image Schema Language” to be published by Spatial Cognition and Comptuation

After a long journey and a lot of hard work, the manuscript on the research on designing and introducing a formally-founded visualisation language to represent image-schematic relations and events has been accepted for publication.

The article “The Diagrammatic Image Schema Language” authored by Maria M. Hedblom, Fabian Neuhaus and Till Mossakowski, will be published in an upcoming edition of the journal Spatial Cognition and Computation.

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Only a few days left until ICCC’24 starts!

Together with the Association for Computational Creativity, we at JTH are organising the 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’24). We have some 100 participants registered, a full scientific program, great social program planned!

Registration is still open for the spontaneous of you!

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Paper accepted at ICCC’24

I’m happy to announce that our paper has been accepted to the demo track at ICCC’24.

Written together with Garrit Schaap, the paper is called:
“Discussing the Creativity of AutomaTone: an Interactive Music Generator based on Conway’s Game of Life”

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Paper accepted at FOIS 2024

Our paper

“Hanging Around: Cognitive Inspired Reasoning for Reactive Robotics”

written by Mihai Pomarlan, Stefano De Giorgis, Rachel Ringe, Nikolaos Tsiogkas and Maria M. Hedblom has been accepted to FOIS, 2024 held at Twente, The Netherlands. The conference had an acceptance rate of 34%.

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AI4QAM – a Vinnova Project has been granted funding!

As part of the Vinnova funding call: “Advanced and innovative digitalization 2024 – first call for proposals” our project: “(End-to-End) AI för Kvalitetssäkring Inom Tillverkningsindustrin (AI4QAM)” has been granted 8.471.702 SEK (~724.000 euro) from funding agency Vinnova with company-sponsored funding of 8.471.800 SEK (~724.000 euro). The project will run from May 2024- April 2027.

The involved research institutes are:

  • Jönköping School of Engineering, and
  • RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB (coordinator).

The involved companies are:

  • Husqvarna AB,
  • Scania CV AB,
  • Thule Group AB,
  • Enodo Robotics AB, and
  • PVI Hydroforming AB


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Invited speaker at EASE KR symposium

I am happy to announce that I have been invited to speak at the EASE KR symposium focused on Interaction-engaging Robots. The symposium will be held the 26-27th of March at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, University of Bremen.

I am very honoured to speak among the top scholars in the field: Michael Beetz, Tamim Asfour, Alessandra Sciutti, Stefano Borgo and Stefan Kopp. A truly humbling assembly!

More information here:

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