Author Archives: mariahedblom
My “AI for good and evil” lecture gathered 450 people!
On the 3rd of March, I had the privilege to hold a 2nd lecture in Senioruniversitet i jönköping’s lecture series. This time, the lecture “AI på gott och ont” (AI: for good and evil) gathered some 450 people who curiously … Continue reading
Appointed Scientific Leader for the AoS: HCIAI
I am happy to announce that earlier this year, JTH’s Associate Dean of Research appointed me as the area of strength (AoS): Human-Centred Industrial AI (HCIAI)’s scientific leader. Together with co-leader Tuwe Löfström and the two other AoS’s respective leaders, … Continue reading
Featuring in the “Professors Beyond Academia”
A couple of weeks ago, I had the amazing honour of being contacted by Ajay Sivakumaran Kumar, one of the student writers for Jönköping University’s student magazine EDIT. He asked me if I would be willing to participate in an … Continue reading
A science-dense November!
This November I am honoured to participate in two fantastic scientific conferences. First, I participated at the 7th Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT) in Madrid (ES) where my student presented our paper: Aguirregomezcorta Aina & Hedblom (2024) “Twist and Snap: A … Continue reading
3rd mission: Over 600 people attended my popular science presentation on AI!
On September 16th and 18th, I had the fantastic honour of talking about AI at Jönköping’s Senioruniveristetet: a non-profit organisation that supports life-long learning through lectures and workshops for people over 60. With some 600 registered participants, the lecture “Artificiell Intelligens: … Continue reading
Paper accepted at ROBOT 2024
Truly happy and very proud to announce that the master thesis work by Jorge Aguirregomezcorta Aina which I supervised has been accepted in a shorter version at the Seventh Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT2024), held in Madrid later this year. The … Continue reading
The 8th Image Schema Day to take place at AI*IA
ISD8: Bozen-Bolzano, November 25-28th The Image Schema Day workshop series has run for 7 editions and we are happy to announce that the workshop will run for an eighth time. This time as part of the workshop program at the … Continue reading
Paper accepted at RuleML+RR 2024
I am happy to announce that the paper “Revising Defeasible Theories via Instructions” written by Mihai Pomarlan, Laura Spillner Maria M. Hedblom and Robert Porzel, has made it into the Declarative AI conference RuleML+RR.
“The Diagrammatic Image Schema Language” to be published by Spatial Cognition and Comptuation
After a long journey and a lot of hard work, the manuscript on the research on designing and introducing a formally-founded visualisation language to represent image-schematic relations and events has been accepted for publication. The article “The Diagrammatic Image Schema … Continue reading
Only a few days left until ICCC’24 starts!
Together with the Association for Computational Creativity, we at JTH are organising the 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’24). We have some 100 participants registered, a full scientific program, great social program planned! Registration is still open for the … Continue reading