Author Archives: mariahedblom
It is now possible to order physical copies of my book: “Image Schemas and Concept Invention: Cognitive, Logical, and Linguistic Investigations” LINK
Springer publication
Happy to announce that my PhD thesis has been published in a polished form in Springer’s Cognitive Technologies series.
Abstract accepted to IACS4-2020
Our abstract: “The ontology of image schemas and the artificial mind” has been accepted for presentation at the IACS4-2020 held at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany, from July 2–4, 2020 (
Presenting work at CONTEXT and TriCoLore
The paper Conceptual Puzzle Pieces is presented both at Context 2019, Trento, and at TriCoLore 2019, Bolzano.
Paper accepted at CONTEXT 19
Part of my disertation “Conceptual Puzzle Pieces: An image schema experiment on object conceptualisation” written together with Oliver Kutz, is to be presented and published in the proceedings at CONTEXT 2019, Trento, November 2019.
Paper accepted to Shapes@JOWO
Our paper “Hidden Meaning: Using image schema violations to expose hidden semantical structures in metaphors” has been accepted for presentation at Shapes 5.0 and publication in the proceedings of JOWO. The paper is co-authored together with Oliver Kutz and will … Continue reading
Paper published!
The paper “Image schema combinations and complex events”, written together with Oliver Kutz, Rafael Peñaloza and Giancarlo Guizzardi has been published in KI – Kunstliche Intelligenz in July. An extended abstract of the journal article will also be presented under … Continue reading
Paper accepted to KI journal
Our paper “Image schema combinations and complex events” has been accepted for publication in a special issue on “Cognitive Reasoning” of the German AI journal “Künstliche Intelligenz”. Stay tuned! Co-authored with Oliver Kutz, Rafael Penaloza and Giancarlo Guizzardi.
Paper accepted to RCIS 2019
The paper “Ontology-Based Model Abstraction” written by Giancarlo Guizzardi, Guylerme Figueiredo, Maria M. Hedblom and Geert Poels, under my time working for Giancarlo Guizzardi on the OCEAN project has been accepted for presentation and publication at the RCIS conference in … Continue reading
Ontology experiment article is online!
At VMBO Michaël Verdonck presented the collaborative work we did to design an empirical study on Ontology modularisation. Have a look at the paper here: An Empirical Study Concerning Ontology-Driven Modularization and Ontology-Neutral Modularization Techniques, Michaël Verdonck, Maria M. Hedblom, … Continue reading