Author Archives: mariahedblom
CAOS 2019 is underway!
We are currently planning for another edition of CAOS: Cognition And OntologieS. It is to be held at JOWO 2019 in Graz, Austria in September. Stay tuned on the workshop’s webpage! About
PhD thesis online
My PhD thesis will soon be available online on the database of The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek and later this year to be published in Springer’s Cognitive Systems series. For those who are interested the thesis is also available here: Image Schemas … Continue reading
TriCoLore was a success!
Thanks to all participants, authors, pc-members, keynote speakers and organisers TriCoLore turned out to be a fantastic event. I hope that all of you enjoyed it as well. The proceedings for the workshop is intended to be compiled in January/February.
As part of the local organisation I am happy to announce that the number of submissions to TriCoLore is exceeding our expectations. Join the event in December!
Paper accepted at FOIS 2018
The paper: “The Mouse and the Ball: Towards a cognitively-based and ontologically-grounded logic of agency” written by Oliver Kutz, Nicolas Troquard, Maria Hedblom and Daniele Porello has been accepted at presentation at FOIS 2018.
Paper accepted at ICCC 2018
Under the Super-Suit: What Superheroes Can Reveal About Inherited properties in Conceptual Blending written in collaboration with Rafael Peñaloza, Oliver Kutz and Giancarlo Guizzardi has been accepted at the international Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2018). Hope to see you … Continue reading
Invitation to Phd Defence
On March 19th at 14.00 you are all invited to participate in my phd defence at the Ada Lovelace building room 301, at Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany. The three examiners of my thesis are: Till Mossakowski, Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany Tony … Continue reading
Presenting research at AISC, Bologna
Tomorrow I’m presenting “Are image schemas the conceptual building blocks for everyday object: an empirical study” at AISC 2017, Bologna.
Thesis submission 22nd of November!
Currently working on the finalisation of my dissertation. Fingers crossed that it will be finished by the 22nd of November!