Paper accepted at ICCC 2021

A paper we wrote on impossible blends and noun-noun compound words has been accepted for publication at the International Computational Creativity Conference held in September.

The paper has the title Deciphering The Cookie Monster: A case study in impossible combinations and is written by
Maria M. Hedblom, Guendalina Righetti and Oliver Kutz.

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New position

Despite having a wonderful learning experience at Bremen University, in August, I will start a new position as a tenured assistant professor (Lektor) at Jönköping Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (JAIL), at Jönköping University.

I am sad to leave my current research group, but excited to see what comes next.

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Paper accepted to FOIS 2021

The collaborative paper “Asymmetric Hybrids: Dialogues for Computational Concept Combination” championeered by Guendalina Righetti has been accepted to FOIS 2021.

Authors include: Guendalina Righetti, Daniele Porello, Nicolas Troquard, Oliver Kutz, Maria Hedblom and Pietro Galliani

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GSoC – student update

I am currently mentoring two students for the Red Hen Lab as part of Google Summer of Code.

First project is:
Simulating Multimodal Communication in Vervet Monkeys with Braitenberg Vehicles
Student: Ankit Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
supervised by: Francis Steen, Maria Hedblom, Cristobal Pagan Canovas, Mark Turner,, Javier Valenzuela

Read more about the project on the student’s blog and Github repository.

The second is:
Detecting Joint Meaning Construal by Language and Gesture
Student: Nickil Maveli, University of Edinburgh
supervised by: Suzie Xi, Francis Steen, Javier Valenzuela, Anna Wilson, Maria Hedblom, Mark Turner, Frederico Belcavello, Tiago Torrent

Read more about the project on the student’s blog and Github repository.

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CAOS V: Cognition and Ontologies 5

Now we have it confirmed that CAOS V will be taking place at JOWO@FOIS 2021, Bozen-Bolzano in September.

Stay tuned! We will soon update the website and send out call for papers for those who wants to join the workshop!

Check the website for previous editions of the workshop:


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TransAIR workshop

This week, the TransAIR workshop on cognitive architectures with the purpose to create new and exciting research collaborations is taking place. The organisers asked me to participate as a moderator to some of the invited speakers’ Q&A sessions as well as host one of the panel discussions.

The event is free of charge and more information can be found here:

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Invited by prof. Mark Turner to be a mentor at Red Hen Google Summer of Code 2021.

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Post-doc position in Bremen

It has now been confirmed that in February I will be joining Prof. Beetz’s cognitive robotics group at Bremen University working in the EASE collaborative research centre and the Horizon 2020 project MUHAI.

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Presentations and the (potential) revival of my academic career

A week ago I was invited to hold a talk at the Horizon 2020 project MUHAI’s kick-off meeting in Venice. My talk was called “What’s the meaning of this?” and concerned the role image schemas play in meaning formation for AI.

On Tuesday I am invited to JAIL, Jönköping’s AI Lab, to hold another presentation on the role image schemas play in the future of AI. The talk is called “Image Schemas: Puzzle pieces of thought to ground meaning in AI.”

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Covid-19 and its consequences for junior academics

The Covid-19 pandemic is hitting hard in many layers of society with people losing their jobs and their income. For junior academics, the pandemic is hitting particularly hard despite these individuals having high-levels of education and unique expertise. Already under normal circumstances, many postdocs and young researchers fight over the few available positions there are: mostly project positions and teaching contracts that rarely exceeds 12-month.

As many of you know, I decided to return to academia – after a year working on the founding of a technology start-up – with possibly the most inopportune timing as the pandemic broke out weeks later. The result was that despite having been the selected candidate for several positions, I was turned down last minute due to problems and new international regulations as a result of the pandemic.

2020 has been a frustrating year to try to return to academia and I am certain that I am but one of the hundreds of young researchers of amazing competences that find themselves in similar situations. The problem seems to stretch the whole academic sector as looking at the research outputs of departments and more established researchers the consequences of the pandemic can be identified as well: fewer publications, fewer international collaborations and the majority of conferences are cancelled, postponed or held online.

While waiting for the dust to settle and the academic profession to once again get back to business as usual, I have been working on my illustrated novel “Lost Little Robots” that explore intrinsically human traits through the experiences of futuristic software. More professionally, I have been looking into alternative methods by which one can continue to contribute to the world’s research agenda. This means that for the past year I have been working on several different scholarships and grant applications for individual fellowships. The latest, and my current project, is a Marie Sklodovska-Curie Fellowship I am writing in response to an invitation to join the Artificial Intelligence Institute at IIIA-CSIC in Barcelona and the Department of Psychology at City, University of London. Naturally, the competition for a MSCF is high with chances around the 15 percentile and surely this year many young researchers in similar positions as mine will be applying. The best of luck to you all!

However, despite the competition and the sometimes rather grim experiences during this pandemic, there is only one way forward. So let’s all stay healthy and optimistic that the medical researchers and professionals soon will have the pandemic under control and that the opportunities in both industry and academia will get back to normal! We can beat this!

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